Video & Audio

Audio Resources for Coaches


Audio Resources

The two guiding audios below have been designed to support coaches (and counsellors and therapists) before and after your client sessions.  They are based on theory and recognised good practice and will help you to become the most effective practitioner you can be.    Feedback so far has been extremely enthusiastic and positive.   You can buy them separately, or together at a discounted price (keep scrolling down the page).   Please do use the Contact page to let me know how these audios have helped you and to make any suggestions for how they can be even better.  

Pre-session Preparation

This 7 minute audio can be listened to whilst sitting quietly, or with headphones whilst walking to your session. It is intended to help you build your confidence and to feel grounded before your session.

Post-session Reflective Practice

Underpinned by Gibbs Reflective Practice Cycle, this guiding audio will help you review the session as a whole and to look back at key moments. It will prompt you to recognise the strengths you brought in service...

Two audio discounted pack

Get both your pre-session and post-session audios in one great bundle so that you can prepare and reflect on your coaching practice before and after your sessions. Can be used whilst sitting quietly or with headphones.