Leadership Coaching
If you have a leadership role in your organisation and find yourself over-stretched and lost in the daily details then taking some time out to slow down and reflect can be very productive. In the VUCA environment that leaders operate in it’s easy for leadership purpose and your natural strengths to get lost amidst high stress levels. Relationship dynamics and boundaries can get stuck in unhelpful grooves.
My clients are middle and senior managers who benefit from time to get away from the adrenalin and rush of organisational life. Often the best way to make decisions and really get the right things done is to slow down – it’s counter-intuitive but true. A slower pace of conversation allows for more noticing of what’s really going on in the organisational system and in your inner world so that you can make new, authentic and sustainable choices in your role. This benefits you, your team and your wider organisation.
My services are usually procured through HR or Organisational / Learning and Development contact, so please give them my contact details if you would like to work with me. Otherwise if you are self-funding then contact me directly here.
It can provide a boost for those struggling with Imposter Syndrome or going through
For more information about me, my experience and qualifications visit the About Me page.