Systemic Team Coaching

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Systemic Team Coaching

As a Systemic Team Coach my purpose is to bring the power of honest conversations to organisational teams.    Alongside my co-team coach, Amy Dunmall, we help the team to slow down and notice it’s habitual ways of working, celebrating what works and making conscious choices about what no longer serves.       We make space for team truths to be shared and desires for a new future to emerge.     

Traditionally, team coaching was about everyone singing from the same hymn sheet, and this can still be helpful.   However, our coaching approach is about much more than that.   Our experience tells us that in this VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) team agility and effectiveness depends on a shared contribution to the clear purpose of the team, pulling on everyone’s natural strengths and individuality.   Our experiential exercises support teams to locate themselves in their wider System of their stakeholders and explore the push and pull of their organisational culture.     The team coaching process is co-created with the team.  They get a lived experience of what it feels like to take responsibility for their future.    Teams go from “being done to” to realising they are not dependent on position in a hierarchy, nor on historical stories,  to have influence through using their voice.

To discuss how our approach can build team motivation and effectiveness in your organisation, whether for leaders or customer-facing staff,  contact Liz and Amy here.